5 Ways to Optimize a TikTok Account to Get Lots of Followers and Viral

Do you like using TikTok? Certainly, most social media users around the world have used TikTok. TikTok is a social media platform that uses short video-based content.

Every user can post their short videos on TikTok. Currently, the TikTok platform is very famous for the younger generation. This has made many business people, celebrities, and important figures switch to using TikTok.

Plus, the content algorithm on TikTok allows every TikTok user to go viral. You can also create viral content that invites lots of followers on TikTok. Here are some ways to optimize your TikTok account to get many followers and go viral.

  1. Choose Niches

As a content creator, you must prepare a concept for your TikTok account. Of course, you should only post content carelessly if you look at the reach or target audience.

You can adjust several niches to your abilities or passion, such as science, technology, art, comedy, household, beauty, mental health, physical health, politics, and so on.

By choosing the niche you want, your content will be conceptualized neatly and well on TikTok. Plus, it will be easier for your followers to recognize you as a content creator according to your chosen niche.

  1. Create Trending and Interesting Content

Content optimization is the most important part for your TikTok account to go viral and get many followers. Interesting content is usually of high quality and trending content.

To find trends on TikTok, you can enter the search menu and see the currently popular hashtags. Not only that, but the format of the content also needs to be considered to attract your audience.

You can introduce tutorials, behind-the-scenes, making products, etc. Please note you can also maximize your content with features on TikTok.

TikTok has filters, sound effects, and transitions. You can use the template provided to improve the quality of the content. Plus, you can use features such as duet, stitch, or reach to collaborate with other creators.

  1. Use Appropriate Video Hashtags

Other creators rarely consider hashtags in creating content. However, using hashtags for a fairly new TikTok account is very important for content engagement.

By using hashtags on TikTok, you can expand promotions to new followers. You can add hashtags that are trending on TikTok and are relevant to your content. Remember, don’t use too many hashtags because it can affect the performance of your TikTok account.

  1. Collaboration with Other Content Creators

A TikTok feature is called duet or stitch to collaborate with other creators. This method can be useful for getting more access to new followers.

This access allows followers of the creators you collaborate with to be curious about your TikTok account. Content themes suitable for duets or stitching are singing, reacting to certain content, and doing content activities together.

  1. Post at the Right TimeThe Best Time to Create a Website!

Almost the same as other social media, TikTok has a suitable time for posting content. You can post at 13.00 – 16.00 WIB or prime time at 19.00 and above.

That’s some information about how to optimize content to get more followers and go viral. Of course, you can optimize your account by following the latest trends or challenges on TikTok. You can collaborate with other influencers that fit your niche.

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